In September both the Holyoke and Springfield offices moved. Staff and students are enjoying their new larger spaces.

In October Springfield Young Parents Program students participated in a Halloween celebration in their new classroom. The festivities included games, coloring, decorating, and trick or treating. Clients and their children were invited to come dressed up in costumes. Tasty food and goulish goodies were prepared and served by staff and clients. A good time was had by all!

Springfield YPP would like to acknowledge Samantha Cook, who is a model of YPP success. While participating in the program since September, Samantha has worked part time at Taco Bell and at the Big E serving ice cream to hungry customers. Samantha will be bringing her first child into the world on Christmas Day! She took her GED test on November 2nd and November 3rd and passed! Samantha wishes to work towards her goal of going to school to become a Licensed Practical Nurse and help others in need. Great Job Samantha!

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