“My name is Destiny. I am a twenty-three (23) year old mom of two (2) boys. I dropped out of high school in the 9th grade.”

“Since then I have worked on [getting my high school equivalency diploma]. I had passed 4 out of the 5 [required] tests. But, at this point, I just gave up because I could not pass the math test no matter what I did! Then I got referred to TRA’s Young Parents Program (YPP) and met Ms. Kristen Smith, the YPP Instructor. And, just her words the first day I met her gave me the motivation to keep pushing forward to finishing my last test. After being with TRA for just a few months, I passed! And now, I'm enrolling into Bristol Community College’s (BCC) Medical Assistant Program. Sometimes it's just that little push and kind words that we need to keep going.”

Congratulations, Destiny!
And thanks to YPP Instructor Kristen Smith for a job well done!

© 2020 Training Resources of America, Inc. The Young Parents Program is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance(DTA).

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